Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Create Bounce Effect with CSS3 Animation

How to Create Bounce Effect with CSS3 Animation:
Today, we are going to doing an experiment with CSS3 Animation. In our previous post, we discussed how to re-create “marquee” effect using CSS3 Animation. This time, we will try to create a “notification bar” with bounce effect.
So, let’s get started.

Getting Started

Let’s create a new HTML document and add the following markup to structure the notification bar.
<div class="css3-notification">
 <p>Hi, this is a notification and it bounces.</p>
Then, add some decorative styles to dress up the notification bar.
.css3-notification {
 font-size: .8em;
 text-align: center;
 padding: 10px;
 background-color: #111;
 color: #fff;
 box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
 text-transform: uppercase;
 position: relative;
 font-weight: bold;
At this stage, this will give us the following result in browsers.

Writing CSS3 Animation Keyframes

The basic idea on how the bounce will run is that when the object drops on the surface the first time, it bounces of the surface and will reach its highest level. Then it gradually reaches a lower point with every subsequent bounce, until the object stops bouncing. This is illustrated in the following figure.

Step 1: Creating Animation Keyframe

Now, let’s start writing on the CSS3 Animation Keyframe in the stylesheet. In this example, we simply name this keyframe bounce.
@keyframes bounce {
Keep in mind that in this tutorial we will use the standard @keyframe syntax from W3C to make the codes look simpler. But, in order for the animation to work across the browsers, the vendor syntax (-webkit-, -moz-, -o-) should be included and you will find them, later on, in the source codes.

Step 2: Specifying Initial Position

First, we set the object to the top of its initial position. In CSS3 Transforms, we add negative value for the Y-axis. In the following code snippet, we set the position for 0% to 5% of the time frame. So, the notification bar will stay a little while in that position.
0% {
 opacity: 0;
5% {
    opacity: 0;

Step 3: Specifying the First Bounce

Then, from 5% to 15% of the time frame, the object start moving to its original position. We set the translateY property back to 0%. Typically, an object that bounces has elasticity.
When this object strikes a solid object, the side of that object that hits the surface, should be a little compressed or deformed. Thus, in our case, we will decrease the padding-bottom — from 10px to 5px.
15% {
 padding-bottom: 5px;
The object will bounce back upwards after hitting the surface. At this point, the object bounces at its highest point and we set it for 50% at 30% of the time frame.
30% {

Step 4: Specifying the Second Bounce

After reaching the peak, the object should be back to 0 position, or in other words, hitting the ground. The object will be less deformed than the previous hit. So, at this point, we decrease the padding-bottom of the object to only 6px.
40% {
    padding-bottom: 6px;
Then it bounces.
This time, it will only reach the point lower than the first one; it moves upwards 30% from the current position.
50% {

Step 5: Countinuously Bouncing Until It Stops

These events repeat until the end of the time frame and the following are the rest of the Animation — from 70% to 100% of the time frame.
70% {
    padding-bottom: 7px;
80% {
90% {
 padding-bottom: 8px;
95% {
97% {
 padding-bottom: 9px;
99% {
100% {
 padding-bottom: 9px;
 opacity: 1;
That’s all the codes we need right now, now you can view the bounce effect in action from the link below.

Further Resources

Below are good resources for digging into CSS3 Animation, Transformations and Bounce Effect further.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sorting and Searching Program with C/C++ Language

Sorting and Searching Program with C/C++ Language:
Problem: How to make Sorting and Searching Program.


Sorting and Searching is an important task in programming. Here we will see such a C Program. This program is used to sorting and searching a string array. Running this program we will provide names and given names are sorted and searched by the program. Programming code is given bellow→


  struct name            // Custom Data Type
      char a[10];   
   }b [10];                 // Custom data type’s variable

  int N,i,j;
  int c=0;
  char name[10];
  printf("How many names :");
  scanf("%d",&N);  fflush(stdin);
   printf("Enter %d Name :",i+1);

  printf("\n\nEntered name list :");

               char temp[10];
               strcpy( temp,b[i].a);
               strcpy( b[j].a,temp);
  printf("\n\nSorted name list :");

 printf("\n\nEnter name to search :");
   printf("%s not found .",name);
   printf("%s remains %d times .",name,c);



After giving  name (string) we can see the list of name and then sorted list. When we will give a name and search, we will see that name if it is in array otherwise name not found on the screen. Here strcpy ()  function is used to copy one variable’s value another variable and strcmp() function is used to compare two string. fflush(stdin) is used to flush buffer.

Getting Started With C and C++

Getting Started With C and C++:

Getting StarttedIntroduction

Welcome to this blog which is about on C and C++ programming language. Here I shall discuss on this popular language from beginning to professional level. Visiting step by step through this blog, you will able to know how to create professional software with this high-level language. So no more wait…… but before starting, we will be familiar with the background of C and C++ programming language.

 Programming Language 

Language is used to communicate with each other. But programming language is specially used for computer to communicate with its user. As computer understands nothing except 0 and 1, its user should build an instruction set which is combination with 0 and 1 named as machine language. So a compiler is necessary to interpret user’s symbolic word to computer readable instruction set. As a demand, programming language comes out.
From the above discussion, Programming Language is defined as an instruction set, word or code which is readable to the computer and used to solve any practical problem by the computer.

Types of programming language

Programming languages are divided into two types…

  •  Low-level language: This is directly readable by the computer. Such as machine language and assembly language.

  • High-level language: An interpreter is necessary for these languages to translate human readable code to machine readable code. C, C++, lava, C#, Visual Basic etc are the example of high-level language.

  What are C and C++?

  • C which was created by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories at 1972 is one of the most popular high-level  computer languages. It is treated as a God language of computer.

  •  C++, an extension of C, was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s to overcome the limitation of C. C++ contains all the functionality of C language with some extra features including object-oriented capabilities discussed later in details in this blog. Today, most of the general-purpose operating system like windows is written in C or C++ language.        

Advantages of C and C++ language

  •   Easy to learn than other high-level programming language.

  •    Platform independent language.

  •   Easy to control both hardware and software.

  •     Both modular and object-oriented programming capability.

  •    Operating system programming capability.

  •   Capable of programming both microcontroller and microprocessors.

  •    The best hardware friendly programming language.

  •    More Speedy.

For the above functionalists, C and C++ are the most popular modern language.

Programmer view on C and C++

There are a lot of computer languages in programming. All of these, C and C++ provide easy syntax and functionality. So, at the beginning most of the programmers suggest to start with C and C++ in programming world. I also started my programming concept with this language and it is one of my favorite languages. I think you are lucky if it is your starting point in programming.   
Prerequisites to learn C and C++
  • Educational quality: No specific certificate is necessary. Anyone who is eligible to read this tutorial is able to learn C and C++.
  •  Operating quality: Some basic knowledge about windows operating is suggested but not so necessary for this tutorial. Playing with C and C++ anyone can be familiar with the operating system.  
  • Necessary software: A C++ compiler and an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) are strongly necessary. There are a lot of IDEs to edit and compile program but among these we will use a Microsoft’s product MicrosoftVisual Studio 2008. I shall give you a short description how to download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to your operating system and program at it in later section.
Now we ready to start our first program in C and C++. So no more wait. You do make a lot of tolerances. We are just going to start our first program in our favorite language to the next pages.   

Click to open first program in C and C++

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

15+ inspiring galleries

15+ inspiring galleries:
We are very visual beings. We like to see it to believe it. And sometimes we don’t trust our brain as much as we trust our eyes. Making decisions is often easier when you see something rather than if you take in a bunch of information about that something.
Could you imagine trying out a new restaurant without seeing food from their menu? Could you imagine purchasing a shirt online without actually seeing that shirt? How about working with a developer and not knowing what sites they’ve worked on? All these things sound farfetched because we have to see something.
Visuals help build trust in that same vein, that we must actually see it to understand it’s real. Web designs have become very image heavy as of late because we want to do less reading and more seeing. We don’t want to have to make difficult decisions about easy things. Just show us the offering and we can go from there.
Our best bet is to create images galleries. Image galleries come in many forms to many different sites and of course make the most sense. We now have a place to put all our work or our products so visitors can see what we have to offer. Today we’ve found some of the most interesting, intuitive and innovative image galleries we could find. So, let’s jump right in…

Arnaud Beelen

To start, let’s break out of the entire notion that our thumbnails have to even be squares. Arnaud has created perfectly spaced parallelograms to show off his thumbnails. This is immediately interesting and stands out from the thousands of portfolios that are all too square.

Aspect Photography

If you are a photographer that specializes in composition and post-processing, you probably want to make sure you show as much picture as possible. The people over at Aspect Photography have made that evident as they feature a full image website that moves from image to image and can be varied by category.

Ben Trovato

Ben Trovato is somewhat of an online publication that’s dedicated to high end fashion photography and fabulous filmography. Rather than creating your typical slider and galleries, Ben has created kind of a navigation menu that takes you from piece to piece to display wonderful images.

Big Human

Big Human has done an absolutely wonderful job making an image gallery with easy to use and understand navigation. Utilizing the arrow keys on a keyboard, the developers here have made it second nature to scroll through images and skip to different projects. This is a great idea that I’d love to see implemented more.

Damian Watracz Design

Again, we’ve found someone who isn’t afraid to step away from the idea that square thumbnails are necessary. Not to mention, the roll over state of these shapes is quite interesting. Damian uses his image gallery to show his processes and work for each project.


Any graphic design studio or person has to hang their hat on their portfolio. Founded has a no-fluff, portfolio-focused website that takes you through many of their projects. Rather than your standard slider or lightbox, this portfolio uses navigational cues and tricks to move from image to image.

Free Faces

Before we get into how great of a website this is, we should also take note of how special a resource this is. Free faces is dedicated to showcasing some of the highest quality free fonts. With that out the way, I absolutely love how the images in the gallery aren’t just standard text. It’s a close up shot that really interests you in the font. Really wonderful idea.

The Twelve

The Twelve has put together a very interactive, feature-rich presentation of their work. The projects gallery itself is interesting because it makes use of hover states to tell you more about the project and the get you interested. The images inside the project piece are laid out in sliders and individual pictures to show the work.

Jeremiah Shoaf

This is a nice idea if you are into the monotone color themes. Not just that, but Jeremiah has created an image gallery that shows the project in the thumbnails. I think this is a great idea because it keeps everything on one page and visible. If you want to see larger images, you have that option as well.

Rick & Drew

This is a multi-faceted group of designers and digital masters that have together to create a great portfolio. You have the ability to search throughout any of their disciplines to get a better look at them. What’s fascinating is each category presents the work differently, so you never get used to seeing the same thing.


It is of extreme importance to make sure your user interface and experience is up to par. You do this by basically using common sense and not making it a task for a person to use your site. Make it easy; that’s exactly what SVLA did. The navigation between pictures is amazing, makes sense and is easy to use.

Something Splendid

James Yencken and Jonathon Bellew proclaim that they have been working as an agency together for more than five years. To back up that claim, they’ve decided to show their works on a special timeline, divided up into years. It’s wonderful because it can also transform and filter based on discipline and color as well.

The Top Project

In creating image galleries, you have to always create something that works for your audience. Here, we obviously have an audience that’s interested in fashion. But, instead of being standard and proposing a grid, we have a horizontal scrolling set of models. This looks and feels a lot like seeing models walk on runways.

The Hungry Workshop

Some people just have a style. It’s not a bad thing, as it’s really beneficial to have and master a niche. Having a certain style almost always guarantees success. The Hungry Workshop knows they are consistent and have put their works together to show it. Their close knit grid image gallery helps solidify the idea that they know their bread and butter.

Museum Studio

They decided to keep the idea pretty basic here — a grid based image gallery that reveals more images in a lightbox. What I love about this site is they decided to enhance the aesthetics rather than try to re-invent the wheel. The look lets us know more work is available to be seen and goes well with the concept of their brand.

Yang Rutherford

This brand designer has come up with a way to make his website read kind of like a magazine. The image gallery is pretty standard, but opening it up takes you into a landscape, horizontal scrolling world of all the processes and pieces created for each brand. This is a very unique spin that easily details and favors case studies.

If you are developing an image gallery for a website, keep in mind that it must make sense and really allow visitors to do as little thinking as possible. People are looking at these images to make a decision or get inspired. Of course you’ll want to choose the best images and kill two birds with one stone. Don’t overdo things with too much feature/benefit content near images. A description at most should do.
Keep your image galleries interesting and fresh to encourage visitors to return and share your work. After all, the point of being seen is indeed to be seen.

What are some of your favorite image galleries? Are there rules you think image galleries should adhere to? Let us know in the comments.

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20 YouTube Tech Channels To Subscribe

20 YouTube Tech Channels To Subscribe:
YouTube has definitely evolved beyond being a site for videos. It is now a place where people share snapshots of their lives: babies, pets, song covers, experiments, reviews, weird phenomena among others to the world. Lucky for most of us, it is also a great place to find great how-to tutorials. The text is kept to a minimum, and you get a visual walkthrough of how exactly you can do new things, in particular, with tech and gadgets.
Today, we’ll be showing you 20 great YouTube channels that talk about technology and gadgets. A majority of these YouTubers talk about PC hardware components, and mobile gadgets like the latest smartphones, tablets and other portable devices. If you are interested in learning about the latest tech info, be sure to subscribe to them and literally watch and learn.
Recommended Reading: 10 Beautifully Designed Youtube Channels


UnboxTherapy is one of the most popular tech channels on YouTube with over 300,000 subscribers. Watch the unboxing of new gadgets, reviews and hear about thoughts on all sorts of gadgets including PC components, smartphones, tablets and even peripherals like keyboards and gaming consoles. Benchmark testing on mobile cameras and PC components included.
[Subscribers: 320K+ | Video Views: 36 Million+]
Unbox Therapy


Ty’s iPhone Help talks a lot about Apple’s range of products including the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Nano, iMac and MacBook Pro.
Other than just Apple products, he also reviews similar products on the market that are competing against Apple.
[Subscribers: 297K+ | Video Views: 79 Million+]


This YouTuber calls himself ICU and features lots of news and rumors mostly around any sort of Apple-related information, product and OS.
He covers everything including the latest iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iMac, MacBook Pro and also MacBook Air. He also has comparison videos between other similar products like the Nexus 4, Nexus 10 and Microsoft Surface.
[Subscribers: 293K+ | Video Views: 51 Million+]


CNET is yet another tech news website that has a dedicated YouTube channel where they show product reviews, exclusive interviews, tutorials and lots of the latest tech news.
They also do a great job of covering events like CES by uploading a lot of informative videos of what you can find at the event.
[Subscribers: 281K+ | Video Views: 111 Million+]


LinusTechTips (a personal favourite) is really knowledgeable about PC’s. He mainly unboxes computer hardware such as PC casings, motherboards and small peripherals like keyboards, mouse’s and earphones.
While he’s doing that, he’ll talk about other helpful information relating to what he’s unboxing. You can also participate in his forum to get some of your questions answered.
[Subscribers: 272K+ | Video Views: 86 Million+]


Chris Pirillo is a famous and knowledgeable person in the online tech community. On his channel, you can see his daily vlogs and go through the life of a geek with him.
Other videos include mini-reviews of the latest smartphones and tablets. He is not biased with the hardware he reviews, he openly voices out things or experiences he does not like which makes his videos very genuine.
[Subscribers: 256K+ | Video Views: 158 Million+]


NCIX is an online computer store based in Canada. On their YouTube channel, you’ll see the familiar face of Linus from LinusTechTips as he works for them too.
Their channel features an in-depth look at consumer-grade hardware and details of upcoming sales or discounts that are going to happen at the NCIX store.
[Subscribers: 196K+ | Video Views: 33 Million+]


Marques talks a lot about mobile hardware such as smartphones and tablets. He gives his own views and talks about good points related to the latest updates of such devices.
Although he does not do reviews on as many devices compared to other YouTube channels out there, his other videos also explain and help viewers better understand certain apps and services.
[Subscribers: 169K+ | Video Views: 15 Million+]

Newegg TV

Newegg is a big US store that sells fully built computers, laptops, tablets and individual computer components. On their YouTube channel, they review computer hardware that can be purchased from their website.
So if you’re thinking of buying parts for a personal PC build, browse reviews on their channel to see what they have to say before making your final decision.
[Subscribers: 160K+ | Video Views: 40 Million+]


The Verge is a popular tech website that incorporates a lot of videos together with thier text articles. They’re known to be some of the first to get a hands on experience with the latest gadgets and the videos to prove it.
You can enjoy their daily ’90 seconds on The Verge’ video where they talk about the day’s most popular tech news.
[Subscribers: 120K+ | Video Views: 35 Million+]


Austin is the main host of this channel despite the name ‘Duncan’ being used as his YouTube channel. His style of unboxing stuff like smartphones or tablets is very quick and straight to the point which makes his review quite short but informative.
He also has full reviews which tackle every detail of the device. The video and picture quality of his videos are superb which makes watching it a treat.
[Subscribers: 107K+ | Video Views: 31 Million+]


Based on the name of this YouTube channel, you’ll expect lots of Android related news. They have a lot of review videos that focus on most of the latest Android smartphones and tablets.
There are also videos where they compare 2 popular Android devices from different manufacturers to help you decide on which smartphone to buy.
[Subscribers: 97K+ | Video Views: 40 Million+]
Android Authority


Eric is the host of TechTomorrow’s channel and his videos comprise of PC components, smartphones and other gadget reviews and unboxing events.
His style of unboxing sometimes includes the use of a very big and fancy knife to cut open the wrapping of the package while he makes funny comments to keep you entertained. He’s also a musician which is why his intro clip sounds hardcore. Nonetheless, a great tech reviewer with quality videos.
[Subscribers: 73K+ | Video Views: 6 Million+]


This YouTube channel is based off the website Overclock3D.net where they have lots of the latest PC components and hardware reviews.
Not to be confused with other similar websites, the videos featured on the channel also have tutorials on how to build your own computer from scratch and PC game reviews as well. Some of the videos are quite long because of the amount of info they can feed you.
[Subscribers: 56K+ | Video Views: 12 Million+]


The channel is named MiniPCPro but they refer to themselves as Mobile Geeks and review a lot of the latest mobile products including smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks and portable gaming devices.
What’s good about them is they don’t just talk about the mainstream brands or products but also about devices that don’t get so much attention.
[Subscribers: 48K+ | Video Views: 89 Million+]


If you’re a MythBusters fan, then you’ll enjoy Tested.com and their videos. Most of the time, you’ll see Adam (from MythBusters) together with other hosts Will and Norm.
They talk about issues surrounding the tech world as well as geeky hobbies that they share. Most of the videos they make are like podcasts which have long durations buy are very informative and interesting.
[Subscribers: 48K+ | Video Views: 16 Million+]


This channel has a different style of review where the reviewer uses a well written script and his voiceover. He doesn’t go through the process of removing the gadget from the box.
However, there is still very simple video to accompany what he says where there is not much camera movement, giving you time to fully examine the actual product while listening to what he has to say.
[Subscribers: 22K+ | Video Views: 5 Million+]


TechCrunch is yet another tech website that has ventured into making videos for their readers. Videos on their channel include exclusive interviews and the latest tech related news.
Some of their other videos have a talk show kind of setup where a few of the hosts will discuss on current issues relating to tech and its effects on the world.
[Subscribers: 17K+ | Video Views: 11 Million+]


CustomPCReview is yet another ‘unboxer’ of PC hardware and other peripherals. The videos can be quite lengthy because of the amount of information they provide.
They also did a good job of covering loads of products and interviewing a lot of people at the show floor of CES 2013.
[Subscribers: 9K+ | Video Views: 3 Million+]


This channel features a lot of hands-on with the components that they review. This means when they review, they not only take it out of the box and tell you what it does, they also show you how to assemble the product like a PC component and give you performance benchmarks.
This does make their videos slightly lengthy but comes with a lot of information.
[Subscribers: 5K+ | Video Views: 6 Million+]

Top 20 Metro Apps for Windows 8

Top 20 Metro Apps for Windows 8:
Windows 8 with all its glossy design and built-to-ease features is out for more than two months. You might have upgraded to the new product from Microsoft, or may be still making up your mind to buy Windows 8. In either of the case, it is Metro UI and full-screen apps, which will make you, switch to Windows 8.
windows 8 metro apps
Apps are what make up your system; let you do your tasks, maintain the system’s performance and integrity, and help and ease your work. As apps are so important, a good choice of apps is necessary for anyone. Therefore, here is a list of top 20 apps for your Windows 8, chosen from the best, for the best!
Recommended Reading: Getting Around (And About) The New Windows 8 UI

File Brick

File Brick is a powerful file manager for the touch interface. Browse and access your files and folders in a simple yet beautiful interface.
You can browse the files in your local and external drives, and also, the cloud storage accounts like Google Drive, SkyDrive, Facebook, etc.

Work Notes Pro

Work Notes Pro is a professional note-taking app designed for the Metro UI. You can save notes, photos, record audio and video clips, etc.
You get the option to sync your notes and other data to your SkyDrive account.
work notes pro


Goals is a task management app that can make you keep track of your goals or tasks. You can save your goals and this app will do its best to encourage you to complete your goals.

Custom Tiles Maker

Custom Tiles Maker lets you make custom tiles on the start screen with your choice of photos. Tiles can be simple, random, or changing.


flow.timer is a social time tracking app, i.e., a task tracking system suitable for the use by a single person or multiple persons, e.g., a team or a company working together on a project. It eases the collaboration with other people on a project.

Format Converter X

Format Converter X is an audio and video converter for Windows 8. You can convert multiple audio and video formats to other formats using this app.
format converter x

Type Speed

Type Speed helps you check and improve your typing. It has easy-to-learn lessons on typing that will help you increase your typing speed and accuracy.

Bitcasa Infinite Storage

Bitcasa Infinite Storage provides infinite cloud storage for all of your data needs. You can sync your whole hard disk to their servers for free!
bitcasa infinite storage

Digital Diary

Digital Diary is a digitized version of the old-styled text diary. You can use it to write daily diary, save photos, memorize events, etc.


Fhotoroom is a professional photo-editing app designed for the touch interface. It offers many advanced image-editing tools, e.g., styles, frames, etc. along with providing the basic features such as crop, brush, exposure, colors, resize, etc.


RainbowDrive lets you connect to three of your cloud storage providers, namely SkyDrive, DropBox, and Google Drive.
You can access the files from all those cloud services at a single place using this app.

Bitdefender Insight

Bidefender Insight updates you about latest security and vulnerability news along with giving some tips on how to keep your system protected. It also offers an interface to check the security status of Bitdefender products installed on your other systems.


iHeartRadio is the app you were looking for, if you are addicted to online radio stations. It has over fifteen hundred of radio stations for you to choose from, and much more features to draw your attention.

TeamViewer Touch

TeamViewer Touch brings the power of remote control to Windows 8′s touch interface. You can easily control other computers (even behind firewalls) and be careless about the security as it uses highest security standard.
teamviewer touch

ToolBox for Windows 8

ToolBox for Windows 8 lets you do many tasks on the same screen by dividing the screen into various areas and running one tool in one area.
It offers many tools to run simultaneously such as web browser, Facebook, clock, weather, calculator, paint, etc.


Line is re-designed for the Windows 8′s user interface offering all of its chat features. Line is a free app to make text or video chats online.
Line is not only a chat app but can also be used to send text, voice, or video messages, and fun stickers (enhanced emoticons that can convey your feelings in a pleasing manner).


Xmarks is a bookmark manager developed to carry all of your bookmarks at one place. You can have your bookmarks from many of your browsers – all of them at one place for easy reach.

Search All

Search All helps you to make a search using different search engines easily at a single place without the need of opening their websites one by one.


Todo is a simple and intuitive task manager. It can be used to set and manage tasks and reminders. You can also opt to show the reminders on the live tile.


SplashID is a password manager built for the Windows 8. It is easy, secure, and manageable. You can arrange your credentials in categories and types. SplashID uses AES and Blowfish 256-bit encryption to keep your secrets as secrets.

Windows Store is still in its early days and hardly has hundreds of excellent apps. Touch screen apps optimized for small and large screens are the beauty of tech development visible in Windows 8.
However, there are many apps (as listed above) which will let you enjoy the new way of computing. Enjoy your new Windows!