Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Flash Builder BorderContainer

Flash Builder BorderContainer:
Today, I had started few spark components and layout containers study and practice. Let me share about a Layout container called BorderContainer.  The BorderContainer extends SkinnableContainer and offers you a quick way to set borders and backgrounds on a container in your application without having to create a custom skin. You can use class properties like, setting the cornerRadius for rounded corners, borderColor, borderStyle, borderWeight and even backgroundColor, backgroundImage and backgroundFill to style.
 The following example will show some properties of BorderContainer.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application name="Spark_BorderContainer_Demo"




 <s:VGroup id="mainGroup" width="100%" gap="20" horizontalCenter="50" top="50">

 <s:BorderContainer id="brdr" width="300" cornerRadius="{slider.value}" 

  backgroundColor="0xffcc12" />


 <s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">

     <s:Label text="Border Corner Radius :"/>

     <s:HSlider id="slider" minimum="0" maximum="100" value="1" />




You will get more information from here.

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