Adobe Flex and Flash Platform provides excellent development environment for rich experiences for games and websites. To develop an effective user experience application I think need to plan from scratch means the selection of development tool to deployment environment.
Recently, I am got some time on exploring interesting application on Facebook and exploring frameworks and Flash Builder. Among a list of available options for frameworks and Facebook applications, I choose to explore an option for creating Flash Builder web application with Facebook.
To develop Facebook application will have to use Facebook REST API we will have to follow some steps as described below:
1) Add Facebook Developer application to your Facebook account2) Get application API key to communicate with Facebook server
3) Register a Facebook application
4) Create an Flex application with Flash Builder
To communicate with Facebook from your application, first register your application with Facebook using Facebook Developer application.
1) In browser go to Facebook and login2) Go to Facebook Developer application
3) Choose Allow option in Allow Access dialog box
4) Click the Bookmark Developer App link at the top of the browser window
5) Click the Home link at the top of the pageRegister application with Facebook
To communicate with Facebook from your application, you must first register your application with Facebook using the Developer application which assigns an application API key and secret which are used when you make calls to Facebook.
1) Return to the Facebook Developer application by clicking the application’s bookmark
2) Click on Setup new application
3) Enter your application name and fill some details and choose Create Application option.
4) In Basic section you get Application ID, API Key and Secret Key related to your application.
See, these Application Secret Key and API Key will be used for your Flex application. These Key is will create a connection between your application and Facebook.
5) Now select the Advanced option from the left side navigation. For applications which can communicate with Facebook, you have to choose Application Type options. For web application will have to use Facebook REST API and specify setup and will have to use Facebook connect login for login functionality and it will have to deploy your application files on a publicly available server.
Now choose Save Changes option and you completed first step for you application.
Friends, very soon will post next step for these application, which will receive User Facebook details in Flash Builder application.
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